Not happy about hard drives

This showed up on my screen last night:


"Backup of Glass (2)" is my month-old Time Capsule.

I take it for granted that all hard drives will fail eventually, sometimes irrecoverably. I'm disappointed that the Time Capsule failed after only a few weeks.

Since March, the hard drives have died in all three of the Macs I use regularly, ranging in age from two and a half years to a year and a day (that one day was significant — it put me outside of warranty).

Not happy.

4 thoughts on “Not happy about hard drives

  1. This might be a bug with Time Machine rather than a problem with the hard drive in the Time Capsule. I got this notification several times for my backup drive but all of the third-party diagnostics I ran said the drive was fine (including the drive manufacturers diagnostic). And I still use it to this day – although not for Time Machine.

  2. Thanks, Brandon, that's encouraging in a way. I didn't mention that I've gotten three or four kernel panics in the last month, along with some other weirdness, and some Googling indicates the kernel panics may have been related to Time Machine. On the other hand, I got the Time Capsule because my hard drive had died and I wanted insurance. If there's some residual hardware problem with that Mac, maybe that caused the kernel panics, which may in turn have corrupted the Time Capsule somehow.

    Anyway, thanks again. I think I will lay off Time Machine for a while and go with SuperDuper backups, and see how things go.

  3. You might want to check out Apple's new update for Airport Extreme. The comments I've read says that it makes some improvement with Time Capsule communication- At the expense of the iPhone Remote.

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